Thank you for visiting our site.  We are the work at home group, this group was started with the working mom in mind and now we have moms, dads, college students, grandmothers, everyone.  Yes you too can join the hundreds of people just like you that are working from home everyday.  Is this a scam? No this is a list of companies that I have compiled and have sold to many just like you for ten dollars and if you apply you will get work.  Can I get rich doing this? No, you can make extra money pay off some bills, again it depends on the person, the average Mystery Shopper can make $1000-$2000 a month and that is doing this full time and everyday.  The average part time Mystery shopper makes between $300-$700 a month.  Either way you will not get rich.  The customer service companies take some time to get hired the average hiring time is 1-3months, Mystery shoppers can apply today and work tomorrow, yes it is that simple. 

So why are you selling this book for ten dollars if it is worth so much more? I was in your situation once also and I know what it was like to pay $50-$100 dollars for something that you could not even make back the money you spent.

How do I order? Click the link below you have nothing to loose, sign up for the Mystery Shopping companies and start work immediately.  I Mystery shop everyday and love it.  We are in a recession and business owners have to make sure they are better than their competitors, so how do they do this, by evaluating their employees.  So they need everyday people like you and me to evaluate their businesses.  Click the link below to order this list and follow the instructions.  We look forward to your testimonials.

Click on the link below to order

<a href="" onClick=",'paypal','width=850,height=600,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,menubar=no,status=1,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');ejw.focus();this.blur();return false;" target="paypal"><img src="" border="0"  alt="Add to Cart" /></a>